The Role of Social Media in Higher Education Classes (Real and Virtual) – a Literature Review


The rapid adoption of social media technologies has resulted in a cardinal shift in the mode communication and collaboration have place. As staff and students use social media technologies in their personal lives, it is important to explore how social media technologies are being used every bit an educational tool. The aim of this newspaper is to analyse the role of social media, in particular, Facebook, equally an educational tool in college instruction. Through a review of the literature, this paper explores the myriad ways in which Facebook is beingness used as an educational musical instrument for learning and instruction. Multiple benefits of Facebook usage for learning and instruction have been identified such as increased teacher-student and pupil-student interaction, improved performance, the convenience of learning and higher appointment. The paper as well highlights the potential problems and limitations of Facebook usage ranging from educators' dominance to privacy concerns. Finally, Facebook usage guidelines that can exist adopted by educators to encourage social media adoption are proposed. As social media usage continues to grow in higher education, future empirical enquiry is warranted.


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Chugh, R., Ruhi, U. Social media in higher education: A literature review of Facebook. Educ Inf Technol 23, 605–616 (2018).

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  • Social media
  • Facebook
  • Social networking site
  • Higher educational activity
  • Tertiary education

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