Union Hardware Company Roller Skates Inventor

Book CoverA list of famous inventors from Archimedes to Tim Berners-Lee.

1001 Inventions That Changed the Globe at Amazon. A expect into the numerous inventions we now have for granted by bang-up inventors such as Archimedes, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie, Alan Turing and Steve Jobs.

Archimedes (287 BCE – c. 212 BCE) Archimedes of Syracuse was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. Amongst other things he calculated pi and developed the Archimedes screw for lifting upwardly h2o from mines or wells.

cai lun Cai Lun (50–121 CE), Chinese inventor of paper. Cai Lun was a Chinese political administrator credited with inventing mod newspaper and inventing the paper-making process. His invention included the employ of raw materials such as bawl, hemp, silk and line-fishing net. The sheets of fibre were suspended in h2o before removing for drying.

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519) Italian artist, scientist and polymath. Da Vinci invented a huge range of machines and drew models that proved workable three-500 years subsequently. These included paradigm parachutes, tanks, flying machines and single-bridge bridges. More than practical inventions included an optical lens grinder and various hydraulic machines.

Galileo (1564–1642) Italian scientist. Galileo developed a powerful telescope and confirmed revolutionary theories near the nature of the world. Also adult an improved compass.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1726) English language scientist. Newton invented the reflecting telescope. This profoundly improved the capacity of telescopes and reduced optical distortion. Newton was also a groovy physicist and astronomer.

thomas-savery Thomas Savery (c. 1650–1715) English inventor. Savery patented one of the start steam engines which was pioneered for use in pumping water from mines. This original Savery steam engine was basic, only it was used as a starting betoken in later developments of the steam engine.

thomas-newcomen Thomas Newcomen (1664–1729) English language inventor who created the first practical steam engine for pumping water from mines. He worked with Savery's initial design, but significantly improved it, using atmospheric pressure which was safer and more than constructive for utilize in mines to remove water.

jethro-tull Jethro Tull (1674–1741) English agricultural entrepreneur. Tull invented the seed drill and horse-drawn hoe. The seed drill improved the efficiency of farming and led to increased yields. It was an important invention in the agricultural revolution which increased yields prior to the industrial revolution.

abraham-darby Abraham Darby (1678–1717) English language Quaker, inventor and businessman. Darby developed a process for producing large quantities of pig iron from coke. Coke smelted fe was a crucial raw material in the industrial revolution.

John Harrison (1693–1776) English carpenter and clockmaker. He invented a device for measuring longitude at sea. This was a crucial invention to amend the safety of navigating the oceans.

Benjamin Franklin (1705–1790) American polymath who discovered electricity and invented the Franklin stove, the lightning rod and bifocals. Franklin was likewise an American statesman and an influential figure in the development of modern America.

william-cullen William Cullen (1710–1790) Scottish physician and chemist. He is credited with inventing the footing for the get-go artificial refrigerator, although it took others to brand his designs suitable for practical apply.

john-wilkinson John Wilkinson (1728–1808) English industrialist. John 'Fe Mad' Wilkinson developed the manufacture and utilize of bandage atomic number 26. These precision-made cast fe cylinders were important in steam engines.

richard-arkwright Sir Richard Arkwright (1732–1792) English entrepreneur and 'father of the industrial revolution.' Arkwright was a leading pioneer in the spinning industry. He invented the spinning frame and was successful in using this in mass-scale factory product.

James Watt (1736–1819) Scottish inventor of the steam engine, which was suitable for use in trains. His invention of a dissever condensing chamber greatly improved the efficiency of steam. It enabled the steam engine to be used for a greater range of purpose than just pumping water.

allesandro-volta Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), Italian physicist, credited with inventing the battery. Volta invented the get-go electrochemical battery prison cell. It used zinc, copper and an electrolyte, such equally sulphuric acid and h2o.

humphrey-davy Sir Humphrey Davy (1778–1829) English inventor of the Davy lamp. The lamp could be used by miners in areas where methane gas existed because the design prevented a flame escaping the fine gauze.

Louis_Daguerre_100 Louis Daguerre (1787 – 1851) French artist and inventor who developed the Daguerreotype of photography. His innovative method of taking photographs brought photography within the achieve of ordinary people.

Charles Babbage (1791–1871) English mathematician and inventor. Babbage created the commencement mechanical reckoner, which proved to be the image for future computers. Considered to be the 'Father of Computers,' despite not finishing a working model.

Michael Faraday (1791–1867) English scientist who helped catechumen electricity into a format that could be hands used. Faraday discovered benzene and as well invented an early class of the Bunsen burner.

samuel-morse Samuel Morse (1791–1872) American inventor Morse used principles of Jackson'due south electromagnet to develop a single telegraph wire. He also invented Morse code, a method of communicating via telegraph.

henry-fox-talbot William Henry Fox Talbot (1800–1877) British Victorian pioneer of photography. He invented the first negative, which could make several prints. He is known for inventing the calotype process (using Silverish Chloride) of taking photographs.

louis-braille Louis Braille (1809–1852) French inventor. Louis Braille was blinded in a childhood accident. He developed the Braille organisation of reading for the blind. He besides developed a musical Braille, for reading music scores.

kirkpatrick-macmillan Kirkpatrick Macmillan (1812–1878) Scottish inventor of the pedal wheel. Kirkpatrick'southward contribution was to make a rear wheel driven bicycle through the apply of a chain, giving the bones design for the bicycle as we know it today.

James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) Scottish physicist and inventor. Maxwell invented the get-go process for producing color photography. Maxwell was also considered one of the greatest physicists of the millennium.

karl-benz Karl Benz (1844–1929), High german inventor and man of affairs. Benz developed the petrol-powered car. In 1879, Benz received his first patent for a petrol-powered internal combustion engine, which made an automobile car practical. Benz also became a successful manufacturer.

Thomas Edison (1847–1931) American inventor who filed over i,000 patents. He developed and innovated a wide range of products from the electric low-cal bulb to the phonograph and movement picture camera. One of the greatest inventors of all time.

Alexander Bell (1847–1922) Scottish scientist credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Also worked on optical telecommunications, helmsmanship and hydrofoils.

Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) American Physicist who invented fluorescent lighting, the Tesla gyre, the induction motor, 3-stage electricity and Air-conditioning electricity.

rudolf-diesel Rudolf Diesel (1858–1913), German inventor of the Diesel engine. Diesel sought to build an engine which had much greater efficiency. This led him to develop a diesel fuel-powered combustion engine.

eduord-michelin Édouard Michelin (1859–1940), French inventor of a pneumatic tire. John Dunlop invented the showtime practical pneumatic tyre in 1887. Michelin improved on this initial design to develop his ain version in 1889.

Marie Curie (1867–1934) Smooth-born French chemist and physicist. Curie discovered Radium and helped make use of radiation and 10-rays.

The Wright Brothers (1871–1948) American inventors who successfully designed, built and flew the first powered aircraft in 1903.

Guglielmo_Marconi Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) Italian inventor of the radio. Marconi developed wireless transmitter signals using electromagnetic waves. This developed into the radio.

Alexander Fleming (1881–1955), Scottish scientist. Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin by accident from the mould Penicillium Notatum in 1928.

John Logie Baird (1888–1946) Scottish inventor who invented the television and the outset recording device.

enrico-fermi Enrico Fermi (1901–1954) Italian scientist who built and developed the nuclear reactor, which led to the creation of atomic bombs and nuclear power. Fermi likewise made of import discoveries in induced radioactive decay.

oppenheimer J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967), United States – Atomic bomb. Oppenheimer was in accuse of the Manhattan project which led to the cosmos of the first atomic bomb, later dropped in Nippon. He later campaigned against his ain invention.

Alan_Turing Alan Turing (1912–1954) English 20th century mathematician, pioneer of computer science. He developed the Turing machine, capable of automating processes. Information technology could exist adjusted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm.

robert-noyce Robert Noyce (1927–1990) American 20th-century electrical engineer. Forth with Jack Kilby, he invented the microchip or integrated excursion. He filed for a patent in 1959. The microchip fueled the reckoner revolution.

james-dyson James Dyson (1947– ) British entrepreneur. He developed the purse-less vacuum cleaner using Dual Cyclone action. His Dyson visitor has also invented revolutionary hand dryers.

Tim Berners-Lee (1955– ) British estimator scientist. Tim Berners-Lee is credited with inventing the Globe Wide Web, which enabled the cyberspace to display websites viewable on internet browsers. He adult the http:// protocol for the internet and made the world wide web freely available.

steve-jobs Steve Jobs (1955–2011) American entrepreneur and developer. Jobs helped revolutionise personal computer devices with the iPod, iPad, Macbook and iPhone. He is credited with inventing the new wave of paw-held personal computer devices.

Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan. "Famous inventors", Oxford, UK.www.biographyonline.net 23rd October 2013. Last updated 1 March 2019.

1001 Inventions That Changed the Earth

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1001 Inventions That Changed the Globe at Amazon. A look into the numerous inventions we now take for granted. How they came into being and how we use.

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